Atris Technology is committed to protecting your privacy. You can visit all pages within the site without providing information about yourself. This site may include input forms that will allow Atris to contact you. Atris Technology will not share your personal information collected from this web site with an unrelated third party without your permission.
Links to Third Party Sites
This site may contain links that leave the Atris Technology website. Atris provides the links for your convenience, but we do not review, control, or monitor the privacy practices of web sites operated by others. This Privacy Statement does not apply to any other web site. We are not responsible for the performance of web sites operated by third parties or for your business dealings with them. Linked sites are not under the control of Atris Technology and Atris is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. The inclusion of any link in this site does not imply endorsement by Atris Technology of the site.