Preparing for the Unexpected

3 Critical Steps to Take to Save Your Business from Natural Disasters Natural disasters wreak havoc globally each year, whether in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, flooding, or mudslides. For unprepared businesses, this could mean closing permanently....

How to protect yourself from ransomware

You have a top-flight antivirus solution deployed and managed on your system. Your hardware firewall is automatically updated and continuously monitored by a great security team. You’ve blocked access to all known malicious and questionable web sites. Your email...

Can you afford HIPAA non-compliance?

According to the American Medical Association, your company may be fined up to $1.5 million per year for HIPAA non-compliance. The first step of HIPAA compliance is making sure all of the companies who have access to your systems are, themselves, compliant. If you...