Where do your IT threats originate?

In 2012, the Ponemon Institute released its “Aftermath of a Data Breach Study”. Sponsored by Experian Data Breach Resolution, it examined what steps companies took to recover following a data breach associated with customer/consumer data. Its findings were comprised...

Atris certifies check image exchange with JHA 4|sight

Atris teller image and remote deposit capture solutions integrate with Jack Henry & Associates check image and item processing platform. Gainesville, December 13, 2013 — Atris Technology announced it has completed certification for and deployed into production...

Atris deploys debit card rewards program for FlexATM client banks

Atris helps encourage cardholder usage through cash back reward opportunities to client accounts. Gainesville, January 31, 2014 — Atris Technology announced it has extended its FlexATM processing services to include debit card rewards. Designed to encourage increased...